Hauling Industry News

Diesel fuel taxes increase in a dozen states!

By bill.huth | July 2, 2019

With the turn of the calendar to July, truck drivers will see increased diesel fuel prices in 12 states due to rising fuel taxes.

While some states’ increases are less than a cent, some states’ taxes on diesel will be immediately noticeable. All of the following fuel tax increases took effect Monday, July 1.

The diesel tax rate in Connecticut is increasing by 2.6 cents per gallon from 43.9 cents to 46.5 cents per gallon. Connecticut’s diesel taxes are set to vary based on changes in average fuel prices. According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, the state’s new rate is still well below its peak of 54.9 cents in 2013.

Story by Matt Cole / www.overdriveonline.com.